Bisnis Online Information

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Aura Estrada Short Story Contest 2011

Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011,Contest 2011

Aura Estrada Short Story Contest

Deadline: October 1, 2011
Judge: Francisco Goldman
Prize: $1,500
Complete guidelines:
The winning author will receive $1,500 and have his or her work published in Boston Review, the summer of 2012. Stories should not exceed 4,000 words and must be previously unpublished. Mailed manuscripts should be double-spaced and submitted with a cover note listing the author’s name, address, and phone number. Names should not appear on the stories themselves. Any author writing in English is eligible, unless he or she is a current student, former student, relative, or close personal friend of the judge. Simultaneous submissions are not permitted, submissions will not be returned, and submissions may not be modified after entry. A non-refundable $20 entry fee, payable to Boston Review in the form of a check or money order or by credit card, must accompany each story entered. Submissions must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2011. Manuscripts will not be returned. The winner will be announced no later than May/June 2012, on the Boston Review Web site.
Mail submissions to:
Short Story Contest, Boston Review
PO Box 425786
Cambridge, MA 02142

Fourteenth Annual Poetry Contest

 Poetry Contest, Poetry Contest, Poetry Contest

Fourteenth Annual Poetry Contest

Deadline: June 1, 2011
Judge: Tomaž Šalamun
First Prize:
Complete guidelines:
The winning poet will receive $1,500 and have his or her work published in the November/December 2011 issue of Boston Review. Submit up to five unpublished poems, no more than 10 pages total. Any poet writing in English is eligible, unless he or she is a current student, former student, relative, or close personal friend of the judge. Mailed manuscripts must be submitted in duplicate, with a cover note listing the author’s name, address, email and phone number. Names should not be on the poems themselves. Simultaneous submissions are not permitted, submissions will not be returned, and submissions may not be modified after entry. A non-refundable $20 entry fee, payable to Boston Review in the form of a check or money order or by credit card, must accompany all submissions. Mailed submissions must be postmarked no later than June 1, 2011.
The winner will be announced no later than November 1, 2011, on the Boston Review Web site. All poems submitted to the contest will be considered for publication in Boston Review.
Mail submissions to:
Poetry Contest, Boston Review
PO Box 425786
Cambridge, MA 02142

Source :

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Paducah Photo 2011 – 36th Annual Juried Photography Exhibition

Originating in 1975, The Paducah Photo Juried Photography Exhibition has grown from a fledgling contest to the region's most prestigious annual photographic event. It is open to all without restrictions on size or content. It provides photographers with an outlet for their art, encouragement for growth in their vision and presentation and cash rewards for works of exceptional merit.
Each year from the hundreds of works submitted, 60 to 80 images are selected for exhibition by a highly qualified juror, with 8 to 10 of them receiving cash awards.
Now's the time to submit your best recent photos and join in. Who knows... you might just be this year's $1,000 first place award winner!


Any combination of black and white, color or digital prints (limit of five) may be submitted. Only photographic processes will be accepted.
Please consider the following deadlines for entries:
  • Early deadline: 24 April 2011
  • Late deadline: 1 May 2011


Up to $2,000 in cash will be given by the juror. Awards will be made in the following amounts:
  • First Place: $1,000
  • Second Place: $500
  • Third Place: $300
  • 2 Honorable Mentions ($100 each)
There is an opening reception for the annual show with free food and beverage, a juror's critique and awards presentation.


  • The 36th Annual Paducah Photo Juried Photography Exhibition is open to all photographers. Employees, staff, and board and committee members of the Yeiser Art Center, and employees of Paducah Printing and Horizon Media Group are ineligible.
  • All work submitted must be original, completed in the last three years and not previously exhibited in a Paducah Photo exhibition.
  • There are no size restrictions.

How to enter?

Entries are submitted electronically through the official website.
To get started, you need to create your free account by registering on the official website. Once you're registered you can log in and submit your entries.

Entry fee

  • $8 per early submission
  • $10 per late submission

Humanity Photo Awards 2011

Deadline: April 15, 2011
Copyright © 2009 World Folklore Photographers Association All Rights Reserved
Aiming to record the world’s folklore cultures, the Humanity Photo Awards (HPA) 2011, organised by the China Folklore Photographic Association (CFPA) and UNESCO, invites worldwide participation in this contest.
Entries are accepted until 15 April 2011.
HPA, launched in 1998 by CFPA, is a biennial photography contest which calls upon worldwide photographers, professional or amateur, to record, spread and share the diverse cultures among mankind. HPA has been greatly supported by UNESCO since the year 2000.
So far, HPA has collected over 130,000 folklore photos from 141 countries taken by photographers from 108 countries. Common humanity in diversity is what the contest is trying to express.
View prize-winning works from HPA 2009.

COAL PRIZE Art and Environment 2011

Deadline: April 30, 2011
The COAL Art & Environment prize was launched in 2010 by the French association COAL, the coalition for art and sustainable development, to reward a project about the environment by a contemporary artist.
The winner is chosen by a jury of personalities from the worlds of contemporary art, research, ecology and sustainable development, out of 10 finalists selected from an international call for entries.
The COAL Prize 2011, worth 10 000 euros, comes under the auspices of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the National Centre of Fine Arts (CNAP), and enjoys the support of PwC and a private benefactor.
The call for entries opened on 1 December 2010.
The application period closes on 30 April 2011.
The prize will be awarded in May 2011
Today, environmental degradation represents a growing concern, covering a very wide field:
- resource management and depletion: water, energy, waste…
- crisis factors: system of production and consumption, pollution, demographics, land use…
- environmental crises: climate change, rising water levels, loss of biodiversity…
- conceptual framework: environmental law, shared assets, social justice, community harmony…
To mark the International Year of the Forest and promote entries on this theme in 2011, this year’s COAL Prize includes a special mention to reward entries that focus on forest issues.
The entry selection criteria takes stock of the artistic value, relevance (understanding the issues), originality (ability to introduce novel approaches, themes  and points of view), pedagogy (ability to get a message across, to raise awareness), a social and participative approach (engagement, testimony, efficiency, societal dynamics), eco-design, feasibility.
An artist’s specialisation on the environment is not a selection criterion. The aim of the prize is to encourage artists to focus on environmental issues.
The COAL Art & Environment Prize ceremony is a unique event held in a symbolic location, attended by the artist finalists and personalities from the world of art and sustainable development.
Entries by artist finalists are displayed to promote networking with bodies and authorities, which could facilitate the future realisation of projects.
All proposals should be submitted to the COAL FTP server  before 30 April 2011.
See website for full details of jury and selection committee and application procedure.

Wabash Prize for Poetry


First Prize: $1000 and winning entry published in Winter/Spring 2012 issue

Postmark Deadline: September 15, 2011

1. For each submission, send up to three poems.

2. A $15 reading fee (check or money order) payable to Sycamore Review must accompany each submission. The reading fee includes a year’s subscription to Sycamore Review, which will include a print copy of the prize issue and an electronic copy of the Summer/Fall 2012 issue.

3. Additional poems (beyond the initial three) may be included. Increase the reading fee $5 for each additional poem.

4. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable only if Sycamore Review is notified immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.

5. All entries must be typed and must include a cover letter with the author’s name and contact information (mailing address, telephone number, and email address) as well as the titles of all poems submitted. Information that identifies the author should NOT appear on the manuscript itself.

6. Manuscript pages should be numbered and should include the title of the piece.

7. Please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard if you wish to be notified upon receipt of your manuscript.

8. Manuscripts will not be returned. Winners will be announced on Sycamore Review’s website by Dec. 30, 2011.

9. All contest submissions will be considered for regular inclusion in Sycamore Review.

10. All poems must be previously unpublished.

11. Questions may be directed to

Send 2011 Wabash Prize for Poetry submissions and reading fee to:

2011 Wabash Prize for Poetry
Sycamore Review
Department of English
500 Oval Drive
Purdue University
West Lafayette , IN 47907

Snowbound Series Chapbook Award

December 1, 2010–February 28, 2011
$1,000 cash prize and 50 copies
The final judge for this year's Snowbound Award is Ellen Doré Watson.

Manuscripts are judged anonymously.
Tupelo Press will consider all finalists for publication.
This competition is open to any poet writing in English. Previously published poems with proper acknowledgment are acceptable. Translations are not eligible, nor are previously self-published books. Employees of Tupelo Press and authors previously published by Tupelo Press are not eligible.
Manuscript Requirements:
Submit 20 to 30 pages (of poems) plus SASE and a $20 reading fee. Manuscripts should be on good quality white paper, paginated consecutively, with a table of contents and acknowledgments, and bound with a clip. Include two cover pages, one with only the title of the manuscript and a second with your name, address, telephone number(s), email address, and title of the manuscript. The author’s name should not appear elsewhere on the manuscript. Please retain a copy for your records.

* The Snowbound Chapbook Award is open to anyone writing in English, whether living in the United States or abroad. Translations are not eligible for this prize.
* Individual poems in a contest manuscript may have been previously published in magazines, print or web journals, or anthologies, but the work as a whole must be unpublished (this includes previously self-published books).
* Simultaneous submissions to other publishers or contests are permitted, as long as you notify Tupelo Press promptly if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.
* Before you submit a manuscript to a Tupelo Press competition, please consider exploring the work of the poets we have published.
* Tupelo Press endorses and abides by the Ethical Guidelines of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP), which can be reviewed here, along with more about Tupelo Press’s ethical considerations for literary contests.

Entries must be postmarked or uploaded to the online Submission Manager (see below) between December 1, 2010 and February 28, 2011.
A reading fee of $20 (US) by check or Pay Pal must accompany each submission. If sending a check, please make this payable to Tupelo Press, Inc. Multiple submissions are accepted, so long as each submission is accompanied by a separate $20 reading fee.

Why a reading fee? We are an independent, nonprofit literary press. Reading fees help defray, though they don’t fully cover, the cost of reviewing manuscripts and publishing the many books we select through our competitions.
If mailing your submission, you may include a stamped, self-addressed postcard for confirmation of your manuscript’s receipt. The online Submissions Manager (see below) automatically confirms receipt.

If you like, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope (SASE) for notification of the winner. An email announcement will also be sent to all entrants. Do not enclose a SASE for return of manuscript; all manuscripts will be recycled at the conclusion of the competition, except those under consideration for future publication.

Kindly refrain from requesting an individual response to confirm our receipt of your manuscript and/or payment. Both the electronic submission manager and the PayPal system offer automated confirmations. For those wishing acknowledgment of a paper manuscript, your self-addressed stamped postcard will serve this purpose. We receive thousands of manuscripts each year and cannot offer individual acknowledgments beyond these. Thank you for your understanding.

Results will be announced in late spring 2011.
Online Submission
Click here to submit electronically. The online submission system will be accepting Snowbound Chapbook Award manuscripts between December 1, 2010 and February 28, 2011.
Online PayPal Payment
Click below to pay the reading fee for online or postal mail submissions:

We also accept manuscripts via postal mail. Please include a check or money-order for the $20 reading fee, payable to Tupelo Press, or utilize our online PayPal option and enclose a copy of the receipt with your printed submission.

You may also include a self-addressed postcard for acknowledgment of receipt of your manuscript and a SASE for notification of the winner, who will also be announced by email.

Mail your submission (and check or PayPal receipt) to:
Tupelo Press Snowbound Chapbook Award
Tupelo Press
PO Box 1767
North Adams, MA 01247

International submissions only:
Tupelo Press Snowbound Chapbook Award
243 Union Street, Eclipse Mill #305
North Adams MA 01247 USA

All Snowbound entries must be postmarked or certified by our online Submissions Manager between December 1, 2010 and February 28, 2011.

Gulf Coast Prizes in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction

The 2011 Gulf Coast Contests, awarding publication and $1,000 each in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction, are now open. Honorable mentions in each category will receive a $250 second prize. Ilya Kaminsky will judge the contest in poetry, Frederick Reiken will judge in fiction, and John D'Agata will judge in nonfiction.
Postmark/Online Entry deadline: March 15, 2011. Winners and Honorable Mentions will be announced in May.

To enter online (preferred), visit the online submissions manager and be sure to choose "CONTEST: Fiction," "CONTEST: Poetry," or "CONTEST: Nonfiction/Lyric Essay" as your genre.
Upload one previously unpublished story or essay (25 double-spaced pages max) or up to five previously unpublished poems (10 pages max). Do not include a cover letter, your name, or contact info of any kind in your uploaded document; please put this information in the "comments" field.
Once you've clicked "submit," you will be redirected to PayPal to authorize your $23 online reading fee, which also gets you a one-year subscription. You won't need a PayPal account, only a credit card. Multiple submissions are acceptable, but you must pay the fee for each entry. We'll contact you if there are any problems with your payment; please do not email us to confirm whether payment was received.
To enter by mail, send one previously unpublished story or essay (25 double-spaced pages max) or up to five previously unpublished poems (10 pages max) to the address below. Indicate your genre on the outer envelope. Your name and address should appear on the cover letter only. Include a SASE for results. Your $20 postal reading fee, payable to "Gulf Coast," will include a one-year subscription. Manuscripts will not be returned.

Send Postal Entries to:
Gulf Coast Prize in [Genre]
Department of English
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-3013

Tupelo Press Award for a First or Second Book of Poetry

12th Annual Tupelo Press Award
for a First or Second Book of Poetry

January 1–April 15, 2011
Judge’s Prize:
$3,000, publication and national distribution

Open to all poets who have not yet published a full-length collection of poetry and those who have published only one full-length book.

The final judge is to be announced.
This competition has historically been open to any poet writing in English who has not previously published a full-length collection of poetry. In 2011, in recognition of how difficult publishing a second book can be, we will also accept submission of manuscripts from poets who have previously published one full-length book of poems.
Manuscript Requirements:
Submit a previously unpublished, full-length poetry manuscript of between 48 and 88 pages (of poems). Include two cover pages: one with the title of the manuscript only, the other with title of manuscript, name, address, telephone number, and email address. Include a table of contents and, if applicable, an acknowledgments page for prior publications in periodicals or online venues. Cover letters or biography notes are optional; if included, these will not be read until the conclusion of the contest.

* The First Book Award is open to anyone writing in the English language, whether living in the United States or abroad. Translations are not eligible for this prize.
* In 2011, in recognition of the many difficulties of publishing a second book, this contest is open to submissions from those who have previously published one book of poems.
* Individual poems in a contest manuscript may have been previously published in magazines, print or web journals, or anthologies, but the work as a whole must be unpublished (this includes previously self-published books).
* Simultaneous submissions to other publishers or contests are permitted, as long as you notify Tupelo Press promptly if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.
* All finalists will also be considered for publication.
* Tupelo Press endorses and abides by the Ethical Guidelines of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP), which can be reviewed here, along with more about Tupelo Press’s ethical considerations for literary contests.
* Before you submit a manuscript to a Tupelo Press competition, please consider exploring the work of the poets we have published. We’re drawn to technical virtuosity combined with abundant imagination; memorable, vivid imagery and strikingly musical approaches to language; willingness to take risks; and penetrating insights into human experience.

A reading fee of $25 (US) by check or Pay Pal must accompany each submission. If sending a check, please make this payable to Tupelo Press, Inc. Multiple submissions are accepted, so long as each submission is accompanied by a separate $25 reading fee.

Why a reading fee? We are an independent, nonprofit literary press. Reading fees help defray, though they don’t fully cover, the cost of reviewing manuscripts and publishing the books we select through our competitions.
If mailing your submission, you may include a stamped, self-addressed postcard for confirmation of your manuscript’s receipt. The online Submissions Manager (see below) automatically confirms receipt.

If you like, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope (SASE) for notification of the winner. An email announcement will also be sent to all entrants. Do not enclose a SASE for return of manuscript; all manuscripts will be recycled at the conclusion of the competition, except those under consideration for future publication.

Kindly refrain from requesting an individual response to confirm our receipt of your manuscript and/or payment. Both the electronic submission manager and the PayPal system offer automated confirmations. For those wishing acknowledgment of a paper manuscript, your self-addressed stamped postcard will serve this purpose. We receive thousands of manuscripts each year and cannot offer individual acknowledgments beyond these. Thank you for your understanding.

Results will be announced in late July 2011.
Online Submission
Click here to submit electronically. The online submission system will be accepting First/Second Book Award manuscripts between January 1 and April 15, 2011.
Online PayPal Payment
Click below to pay the reading fee for online or postal mail submissions:

Submission via Postal Mail
We also accept manuscripts via postal mail. Please include a check or money-order for the $25 reading fee, payable to Tupelo Press, or utilize our online PayPal option and enclose a copy of the receipt with your printed submission.

You may also include a self-addressed postcard for acknowledgment of receipt of your manuscript and a SASE for notification of the winner, who will also be announced by email.

Mail your submission (and check or PayPal receipt) to:
Tupelo Press First/Second Book Award
PO Box 1767
North Adams, MA 01247

International submissions only:
Tupelo Press First/Second Book Award
243 Union Street, Eclipse Mill #305
North Adams MA 01247 USA

All entries must be postmarked or certified by our online Submissions Manager between January 1 and April 15, 2011. 

Sigma Annual Scholarship Photo Contest - Deadline: 28th February 2011

Photography Contest 2011,  Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011, Photography Contest 2011,

Category(s): Photography
Entry Fee: Free
Prize: $6,000
Restrictions: Students Only
This scholarship contest illustrates Sigma's five decades of technological advancement and innovation in the industry. Applicants are required to submit an application, which includes a brief essay and three to five images that have a connecting theme. The essay must be between 300 and 800 words, describing the applicant's methodology and thematic intent. This material will complement the applicant's images and help the judges better understand the student's process of capturing and selecting the photographs. The entire package will be judged based on creativity of subject selection, overall technique and, most importantly, image quality. Students are not required to use Sigma equipment.

source :

Airwalk Design Winter Theme Contest - Deadline: 1st April 2011

Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011,Design contest 2011

Category(s): Design, Vector & Graphic Art
Entry Fee: £10
Prize: £100, Published, Recognition & Sale Commission
Restrictions: None
Entry Fee is £10 ($15.49 Approx), and the winner(s) will have their artwork sold in our newly opening e-store. We only take 30% commission of the sales made from your artwork in our e-store. The other 70% is for you. There is also a cashprize of £40 for 1st Place, and £20 for 2nd-4th Place. 1st Place will be featured in our new monthly e-magazine. The trick is to share this contest with all of your friends. Use the social networking links on the top right of this webpage to share this contest on the social networks that you use. You can submit your idea to Danny and he'll approve your submission as soon as he can. If you submit two entries, you will get the third one for free. The winner will get free entry to the next competition.

Source :

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Contest Information 2011 and Competition 2011

contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest march 2011, contest march 2011,contest april 2011, contest april 2011, contest may 2011, contest may2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011,contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011, contest 2011,contest 2011

The Fountainhead Essay Contest Information

The Fountainhead Essay Contest Information

Eligibility: 11th and 12th Graders

Entry Deadline: April 26, 2011

FIRST PRIZE: $10,000
10 THIRD PRIZES: $1,000
45 FINALISTS: $100

The Fountainhead cover


Select ONE of the following three topics:

  1. After the Stoddard trial, Dominique Francon marries Peter Keating. Given her love for the integrity of Howard Roark's buildings and person, why does she do this? What is she seeking from the marriage? How does her action of marrying Peter relate to her deeper convictions and conflicts?
  2. In dynamiting Cortlandt Homes, Howard Roark breaks the law. What is his moral and philosophical argument for the rectitude of his action?
  3. Choose the scene in The Fountainhead that is most meaningful to you. Analyze that scene in terms of the wider themes in the book.


Essays will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of The Fountainhead.
Essay submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased four-round judging process. Judges are individually selected by the Ayn Rand Institute based on a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Ayn Rand’s works. To ensure the anonymity of our participants, essay cover sheets are removed after the first round. Winners’ names are unknown to judges until after essays have been ranked and the contest results finalized. The Ayn Rand Institute checks essays with Ithenticate plagiarism detection software.


  • No application is required. Contest is open to students worldwide.
  • Entrant must be in the 11th or 12th grade.
  • To avoid disqualification, mailed in essays must include a stapled cover sheet with the following information:

    1. your name and address;
    2. your e-mail address (if available);
    3. the name and address of your school;
    4. topic selected (#1, 2 or 3 from list above);
    5. your current grade level; and
    6. (optional) the name of the teacher who assigned the essay, if you are completing it for classroom credit.
  • Essay must be no fewer than 800 and no more than 1,600 words in length and double-spaced.
  • One entry per student, please.
  • Essay must be postmarked no later than April 26, 2011, no later than 11:59 PM, Pacific Standard Time.
  • The Ayn Rand Institute has the right to provide contest deadline extensions when deemed appropriate.
  • Essay must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
  • Decisions of the judges are final.
  • Employees of the Ayn Rand Institute, its board of directors and their immediate family members are not eligible for this contest. Past first-place winners are not eligible for this contest.
  • All entries become the property of the Ayn Rand Institute and will not be returned.
  • Winners, finalists, semifinalists and all other participants will be notified via e-mail and/or by mail by July 26, 2011.
  • Contest winners agree to allow the Ayn Rand Institute to post their names on any of ARI’s affiliated websites. The winning first place essay may be posted in its entirety on any of these websites with full credit given to the author.
  • Winners will be solely responsible for any federal, state or local taxes.

To Enter

Or mail your essay with stapled cover sheet to:
The Fountainhead Essay Contest
The Ayn Rand Institute
P.O. Box 57044
Irvine, CA 92619-7044
Please do not submit duplicate essays!
If submitting your essay electronically, you will be sent an email confirming our receipt. If you have not received an e-mail notification within 24 hours, please e-mail If you are submitting by mail, please paperclip a stamped, self-addressed postcard to the your essay and we will return it to you.
Comments or Questions
Comments or questions about the essay contests are welcome. Please write to

The Selfish Life Short Film Contest – Deadline 04/28/2011

I self-published A SELFISH LIFE? on a whim.  Now, it’s time to take it seriously.  As we take a huge (and much needed) step back, putting the book through the proper editing and polishing process, I have decided it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to pull the sling back as far as possible before release.  My hope is, once the book is truly ready for the public, it can be re-released with some serious momentum.
I’m looking for that undiscovered talent who can best represent the first three chapters of my    (currently un-polished) book with their short film.  And, I’m offering to pay that winning creator  a prize for his/her work.
The prize for the best short film selected is $7,000.00 (USD)
How do you get started?
1.  The FIRST THREE CHAPTERS of the book are available now for download.
2.The Submission Terms of Agreement and Contract for The Selfish Life Short Film Contest is available for download now.  All submissions sent in without the     properly executed and accepted Submission Terms of Agreement and Contract for The Selfish Life Short Film Contest will be rejected.
3. The Selfish Life Short film Contest will accept submissions through 04/28/2011.
4. The winning short film will be selected and announced by June 30, 2011.
Who will judge my film?  In the interest of fairness (and to avoid conflict of interest) I have decided it would be best practice to upload all short films received onto YOUTUBE via this website and let the general public vote for the top three short films submitted.  We’ll be looking at the combination of number of views and comment content for each short film.  Lastly, we’ll take the top three of the YOUTUBE selections and let a small audience (at a pending confirmation venue) vote for the best ONE of the three final short film submissions for the grand prize of $7,000.00 (USD).
How Do I Submit my Film?   Please upload your film to YOUTUBE and email me the link along with the completed Submission Terms of Agreement and Contract.  Once everything is in order, your film will be linked to this website and an email notice will be sent out to our growing list of interested parties for viewing and judging.  Of course, we encourage you to tell as many people as you can about your short film and where to find it.  The goal is to get as many people viewing your film as possible.

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Contest Information 2011 and Competition 2011



The British Journal of Aesthetics (BJA) is holding a competition open to students on full-time undergraduate or graduate courses at art schools in any country to design a cover for the journal, which is published by Oxford University Press (OUP), both in print and online. A new overall cover design was introduced last year, including an image, generally a black & white photograph of a sculpture or a detail from a print. It will normally but not necessarily be a monochrome image. The covers of three recent issues can be found here, as well as the winner of last year’s competition. Entries to the competition will consist in a .jpeg or .tiff containing an image (henceforth, the “image”), and a cover design incorporating the image (henceforth, the “design”), which can be assembled using a template that can be downloaded here (the template is available in InDesign, Illustrator, Quark and Photoshop). The resolution of the image must be at least 300dpi. There is no restriction on the use of colour. The winning entry will showcase the distinctive style of the artist, while remaining consistent with the series of covers as a whole.


Read the Rules carefully before submitting your entry, to ensure you understand and accept them. Submitting an entry in the competition constitutes acceptance of the Rules.

PROMOTER. The competition promoter is the British Journal of Aesthetics (‘BJA’).

ELIGIBILITY. To be eligible to enter the competition, you must be enrolled on a full-time undergraduate or graduate course at an art school on 30 January 2011. The BJA reserves the right to verify eligibility.

HOW TO ENTER. Entries to the competition must be submitted by email to: Entrants should submit a .jpeg or .tiff file containing their image, as well as a .jpeg or .pdf file of the cover design incorporating their image. All entries must be accompanied by a .pdf containing a scanned letter, signed by the entrant, stating details of the course in which he or she will be enrolled on 30 January 2011, together with the entrant’s contact details. The closing date is 30 April 2011. Entries which do not meet the entry requirements and entries which are received after the closing date will not be considered.
DATA. Personal data will only be retained and used by the BJA and OUP for the purposes of this competition. Personal data will not be passed on to any other parties without the prior express consent of the data subject.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS. The image must be an original, unpublished work that does not contain, incorporate or otherwise use any content, material or element that is owned by a third party or violates a third party’s intellectual property rights, including but not limited to the law of copyright or trade marks. It must not be subject to any third party rights or agreement which may require the BJA or OUP to seek permission from or pay any sum of money to any person or entity as a result of its use. By submitting an entry in the competition, each entrant represents and warrants that his or her image meets these criteria.

JUDGING. Each entry will be judged by a panel of judges consisting of the Editor and Associate Editor of the BJA, the Publisher of OUP's philosophy journals, Vanessa Lacey, and the distinguished graphic designer John Morgan. Decisions and rulings of the judges are final and binding. The judges reserve the right not to award the prize if no entry is submitted which they judge worthy of the prize. The judges’ decisions will be final and no correspondence will be entered into in relation to their decisions or the competition.
PRIZES. a) Shortlisted designs will be displayed on the BJA website. b) The winning design will be used on the cover of the October 2011 issue of the BJA. The issue will carry a half-page about the winner and his or her work. The winner will receive 5 printed copies of the issue featuring their design, and will also be invited to choose £150-worth of books published by OUP, free of charge. The winner and shortlisted entrants will be notified by email in June 2011.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. Each entrant will retain ownership of all intellectual property rights in the image submitted (including moral rights). However, by entering the competition, each entrant grants to the BJA on a royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide basis, any necessary and relevant permissions relating to the reproduction of their entry in any media, as part of the publication and promotion of the journal. Each entrant accepts that the BJA and OUP reserve the right to alter and/or adapt the entry for the purposes of the production and promotion of the journal.
WARRANTY. Each entrant warrants that their entries are their own original work and, as such, they are the sole and exclusive owner and rights holder of their image and that they have the right to grant all required licenses.
Print these rules as a PDF.

Source : 

Agriterra's business contest deadline extended to 1 March 2011

News from Agriterra.
The deadline for registration for the business plan competition has been postponed to allow more participants! Agricultural cooperatives and farmers’ associations can now submit their application for the Farmers in Business Challenge before the 1st of March 2011.
Agriterra, in cooperation with BiD Network, organises the Farmers in Business Challenge for agricultural cooperatives and farmer-led business structures based in one of the following African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Zambia and Congo (DRC). The business plan competition aims at strengthening the position of producers in the market and is specially designed for those cooperatives and farmer-led companies that have the ambition to expand their business or want to set up a new one.
Participants need to submit their online application (business summary) before the 1st of March 2011, and full business plans need to be submitted before 30 April 2011. Participants will receive feedback on the plan and get access to useful business tool and to a network of more than 36,000 entrepreneurs, coaches and investors. In May 2011, the finalists will be selected. Five entrepreneurs will be invited for a business trip for trainings, b2b and investor meetings. These five finalists will compete for an incentive prize of €15,000. Furthermore as Agriterra we hope that the competition will allow us to get in touch with interesting cooperative business initiatives in Africa. In the attachment you find a promotion flyer of this business plan competition. For more information, registration and criteria for participation, please check Please spread the news and inform your members and networks about this initiatives.
With best regards,
Cees van Rij

Source :

IEEE Student Branch Web Site Contest 2011

All IEEE student branches and branch chapters are eligible for the Web site contest. Each student branch may enter at most one Web site, regardless of the number of branch chapters present. To enter your Branch, simply send an e-mail message to your Regional Students Committee Chair (RSC), Regional Student Representative (RSR) and to the contest administrator with the subject "IEEE Student Branch Web Site Contest." Please include the:
  • URL of your Web site;
  • name of the Student Branch it belongs to;
  • IEEE region you are in;
  • e-mail address of the Web site contact or administrator;
  • name and e-mail address (if different from the administrator).
Also make sure that you follow the specific submission rules as outlined by your RSAC.
Judging is based on the six judging criteria outlined below. The sum of the point totals for the six categories will be 100 points. If required, tie-breaking will be at the discretion of the contest administrator using comments provided by the judges. All appeals and questions should be directed to the contest administrator. The decision of the contest administrator is final.
Each region will select a regional jury that will decide the regional winner(s) to be forwarded to the Students Committee for judging in the international contest. Based on the judging criteria, the Students Committee will give international awards as listed below:
  • First place - US $1,000.00
  • Second place - US $750.00
  • Third place - US $500.00
  • Runner-Up - US $250.00 each)
A customized award certificate will also be provided.
Strive to make your pages first, then make them unique.
For student branches wanting or needing web hosting space, please visit the IEEE Entity Web Hosting. Be sure to follow the IEEE Master Brand guidelines, because they are part of the judging criteria for the contest.
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Contest deadlines

I: Branches submit their URLs no later than 15 April 2011 to their Region. Some of the Regions may require you to submit your entries earlier. Please contact your RSAC for exact date of entry for your region.
II: Each regional judging panel sends regional selections to the Students Committee judging panel in the finals based on the following formula:
  • A Region that has greater than 10 entries but less than 20 can submit 2 entries in the finals.
  • A Region that has greater than 20 entries can submit 3 entries in the finals.
  • Entries must be sent no later than 28 May 2011 to the contest administrator.
III: The Students Committee awards will be announced in August 2011. 
IV: During the period of judging, no changes in the design will be permitted.
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Judging criteria and contacts

The complete Rules and Guidelines, that include the criteria judges will use to evaluate the web sites, are available for all Student Branches. Winners of the 10 Regional contests will flow up to the International contest level.
Please submit your entries to the RSACs and RSRs for your specific region. Good luck and be creative!
If you have any questions regarding the rules, please contact the contest administrator.
Rules were revised December 2007.
For additional information, please contact the IEEE Student Services Department:


The “SCARE THE DICKENS OUT OF US” Short Story Contest 2011

Sponsored by the Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library in Lockhart, Texas.
First prize, $1000.00 and a trophy.
Second prize, $500.00 and a ribbon.
Third prize, $250.00 and a ribbon.
Junior contest prize $250.00 and a trophy.

Download contest entry form here.
Download junior contest entry form here.

Entry fee $20.00 (check or money order).
Junior contest entry fee $5.00 (check or money order).

The Scare The Dickens Out of Us ghost story contest and the Junior Scare The Dickens Out of Us ghost story contest share identical rules except the entry fees and the following: Junior contest writers must be age 12-18. Winners will have to provide proof of age.

All publication rights remain with the author.

The contest is a Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library fundraiser and is privately funded. All entry fees go to the Friends and are used for library projects.

The “Scare The Dickens Out of Us” Short Story Contest is in conjunction with the annual “A Dickens Christmas In Lockhart” which is held on the first weekend in December (Friday night, Saturday) in Lockhart, Texas.

We want ghost stories. Any genre, any tone, any subject, whatever type of ghost story you can come up with.


1. The contest is open to published and unpublished writers alike. All publication rights remain with the author.

2. The ghost story must be 5,000 words or less, in English, and typed double-spaced. Entries must be original and unpublished. There are no other restrictions.

3. Only one entry per writer.

4. The judging will be done in a blind format. Do not put your name or any other identifying information on the manuscript itself except for the name of the story. Download, print and submit our entry form or our junior contest entry form. The information will include the name of your story, the author’s name, address, phone number, and email address, where you heard of this contest, and your permission to have your story read out loud at a literary gathering if you are one of the winners.

5. Your manuscript and entry fee must be mailed to us at P.O. Box 821, Lockhart, TX 78644 and must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2011. We will accept entries beginning July 1, 2011.

Winners will be contacted at contest end. Winners also will be announced at the “A Dickens Christmas in Lockhart” festival in December, and will be posted at our web site

No manuscripts will be returned. Keep the original copy. At the end of the contest entries will be shredded.

Send your manuscript with entry form and entry fee to:

“Scare The Dickens Out of Us” or Junior “Scare The Dickens Out of Us” Short Story Contest, co/Friends of the Library
PO Box 821, Lockhart, Texas 78644.

Make out your check or money order to Friends of the Dr. Eugene Clark Library. International entries, please send your entry fee via international money order if possible.

Administrators of the contest, the judges of the contest and the immediate family members of the judges are ineligible to enter this contest.

2011 Rod Serling Scriptwriting Competition

2011 Rod Serling Scriptwriting Competition
Entries Now Being Accepted
Entries are now being accepted for the Rod Serling Conference’s Short Feature Scriptwriting competition. The conference is scheduled for September 9-10, 2011, at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York.
The script competition is open to nonproduced or nonoptioned writers only. The deadline for entries is Friday, April 15, 2011.
Serling taught at Ithaca College from 1967 until his death in 1975. Ithaca College is also home to the Rod Serling Archives consisting of television scripts, movie screenplays, stage play scripts, films, published works by Serling, unproduced scripts, and secondary materials.
The script competition is open to non-produced, or non-optioned writers only. Any applicant who has earned money or other consideration as a screenwriter for theatrical films or television, or as a playwright for the legitimate theatre, or for the sale of, or sale of an option to, any original story, treatment, screenplay, play, or teleplay will not be eligible for the competition.
Postmark Deadline
Friday, April 15, 2011
Top 5 finalists will be judged by Carol Serling.
First Place: $250
Second Place: $150
Third Place: $100
Winners will be notified by Friday, July 1, 2011.
Awards will be announced at the Rod Serling Conference in a formal ceremony held on September 10, 2011.

No Boundaries Project and Student Competition – Deadline April 1, 2011

Encourage your classes to participate in the No Boundaries National Competition, a joint educational initiative created by NASA and USA TODAY Education. This competition is designed to help students explore careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The effort also offers students the opportunity to learn more about NASA.
When people hear the word “NASA,” they often think of astronauts’ amazing journeys. While astronauts are the public face of NASA, thousands of people at the space agency collaborate to send astronauts into space.
The goal of this project is for students to work in small groups to develop a creative project (website, video, podcast, song, etc.) that markets careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to teens. These student groups then will present their projects to their classmates and a class of younger peers.
The No Boundaries website includes a Teacher Toolkit and step-by-step instructions for teachers to implement the project in the classroom. Background information and links to websites with career information also are provided.
After presenting their projects, groups are encouraged to enter them in the No Boundaries National Competition. All contest entries must be submitted to USA TODAY Education no later than April 1, 2011. Winning teams can win $2,000, passes to a VIP NASA experience and the chance to present their project to NASA.
To learn more about the project and to enter the competition, visit

The Fountainhead Essay Contest Information

Eligibility: 11th and 12th Graders

Entry Deadline: April 26, 2011

FIRST PRIZE: $10,000
10 THIRD PRIZES: $1,000
45 FINALISTS: $100

The Fountainhead cover


Select ONE of the following three topics:

  1. After the Stoddard trial, Dominique Francon marries Peter Keating. Given her love for the integrity of Howard Roark's buildings and person, why does she do this? What is she seeking from the marriage? How does her action of marrying Peter relate to her deeper convictions and conflicts?
  2. In dynamiting Cortlandt Homes, Howard Roark breaks the law. What is his moral and philosophical argument for the rectitude of his action?
  3. Choose the scene in The Fountainhead that is most meaningful to you. Analyze that scene in terms of the wider themes in the book.


Essays will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of The Fountainhead.
Essay submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased four-round judging process. Judges are individually selected by the Ayn Rand Institute based on a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Ayn Rand’s works. To ensure the anonymity of our participants, essay cover sheets are removed after the first round. Winners’ names are unknown to judges until after essays have been ranked and the contest results finalized. The Ayn Rand Institute checks essays with Ithenticate plagiarism detection software.


  • No application is required. Contest is open to students worldwide.
  • Entrant must be in the 11th or 12th grade.
  • To avoid disqualification, mailed in essays must include a stapled cover sheet with the following information:

    1. your name and address;
    2. your e-mail address (if available);
    3. the name and address of your school;
    4. topic selected (#1, 2 or 3 from list above);
    5. your current grade level; and
    6. (optional) the name of the teacher who assigned the essay, if you are completing it for classroom credit.
  • Essay must be no fewer than 800 and no more than 1,600 words in length and double-spaced.
  • One entry per student, please.
  • Essay must be postmarked no later than April 26, 2011, no later than 11:59 PM, Pacific Standard Time.
  • The Ayn Rand Institute has the right to provide contest deadline extensions when deemed appropriate.
  • Essay must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
  • Decisions of the judges are final.
  • Employees of the Ayn Rand Institute, its board of directors and their immediate family members are not eligible for this contest. Past first-place winners are not eligible for this contest.
  • All entries become the property of the Ayn Rand Institute and will not be returned.
  • Winners, finalists, semifinalists and all other participants will be notified via e-mail and/or by mail by July 26, 2011.
  • Contest winners agree to allow the Ayn Rand Institute to post their names on any of ARI’s affiliated websites. The winning first place essay may be posted in its entirety on any of these websites with full credit given to the author.
  • Winners will be solely responsible for any federal, state or local taxes.

To Enter

Or mail your essay with stapled cover sheet to:
The Fountainhead Essay Contest
The Ayn Rand Institute
P.O. Box 57044
Irvine, CA 92619-7044
Please do not submit duplicate essays!
If submitting your essay electronically, you will be sent an email confirming our receipt. If you have not received an e-mail notification within 24 hours, please e-mail If you are submitting by mail, please paperclip a stamped, self-addressed postcard to the your essay and we will return it to you.
Comments or Questions
Comments or questions about the essay contests are welcome. Please write to

2011 Thacher Environmental Research Contest – Deadline April 11, 2011

From the massive Gulf oil spill to the continued decline of Arctic sea ice, NASA satellites and other observing instruments have proved crucial this year in monitoring the many environmental changes – both natural and human-induced – occurring on global, regional and local scales. The 2011 Thacher Environmental Research Contest, sponsored by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, challenges high school students (grades 9-12) to conduct innovative research on our changing planet using the latest geospatial tools and data.
The best project will receive cash awards in the amount of $2,000 for first place, $1,000 for second place and $500 for third place. Individuals or teams of up to four students may submit entries. In the case of team entries, the cash award will be split equally among the winning team members. Winners will also be featured in an Encyclopedia of the Earth article. In addition to the student prizes, teachers or adult “coaches” of the first-, second-, and third-place students will receive a $200 gift card.
For more information, visit:

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Contest Information 2011 and Competition 2011